i finally got the chance to post some of the photos from our mini party last friday march 27 in faiki's house. as i said id try to post as many photos i could but it would probably take time to post them all. anyway here are some.
kurzzy boyz reunited once again?
dumating rin si beauty and mariam sa party

food, food, food...
at syempre di mawawala ang spag

kainan nah! buffet style. wohoo!

sarap ng bihon. special thanks kay hayna who gradually made the preparations for the party. for the food and informing us of everything...


peace daw.

thanks rin to faiki for the venue. talagang dinaanan ng bagyo bahay nila because of us.
ladies of the round table?
busog nah?
nice scenery.

cheeky cheeks.
malengan iyo kon.
spotted. eday eating her second plate of spaghetti.
paparazzi ni sala
family kurcailly!
triplets? or do they just look a like?
sino daw pinakapogi?
este pang seventeen mag daw...

this was in faiki's room when we were about to start a forum.
to be continued...
to be continued...
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